On January 25, 2011, Jim "Dune Buggy" Russell The Clown
arrived in Heaven. This world lost a loving husband, loving
father and a wonderful friend to many people. He will be
greatly missed. Rest in peace, Jim.
Keep smiling!
"Dune Buggy" has been a clown for over 46 years. Clowning as a
hobby became a full-time occupation in 1978. He is a past
president, International Shrine Clown Association 1973-1974: a
Regional Director of World Clown Association; Ambassador of
Clowns, WCA 1985-1989; Past Regional Vice President, Clowns
of America; member of International Brotherhood of Magicians,
Society of America Magicians and Fellowship of Christian
Magicians. He is also a 1998 and 2008 inductee order of Merlin,
International Brotherhood of Magicians. He is 2003-2004
Clown of the Year, World Clown Association.
"Dune Buggy"said "The good lord has given me a little talent
and the ability to make folks smile and laugh. I have tried to
share this with others. It's a good feeling to cause smiles and
laughter to children and adults. All audiences like to be
fooled by by the unexected of magic. "Dune Buggy"entertained
all ages and truly All The World Loves A Clown.