Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I'm Lost and hope not forgotten!

Hi Everybody,  we have been away from you all much too long!
We have several situations that must be dealt with a delicate but
strong resolve.  Your help is needed for the most serious problem,
and we need your prayers.  Our daughter Kim has been dealing
with lung cancer for several months and has had another setback
by a heart attack.  We have called upon your strengths and
God's gracious intervention . We believe in the power of prayer!
May God Bless You All !

Photographer Unknown
Thank You


Sandee said...

You and yours have always been in my prayers. You will continue to be.

Have a blessed day. ☺

Silly Willy and Fluffy said...

Thank you Sandee. We knew you would
understand! Your prayers are so appreciated.