The World of Silly Willy and Fluffy
wishes to acknowledge the "Top Ten
Entrecard Droppers" on our site for
the month of March 2011.
bethere 2 day
Lainy's Musings
The Ad Master
Slightly Sarcastic
Transafric Blog
Jell Stayer Blog
Beaded napkin rings
Clothing and Fashion Accessories
Hi Everybody! We stopped in north Florida to visit a
couple days with friends and to make a safe haven from
the passing thunderstorms and tornadoes.
Hopefully, we will be back on the road by this saturday.
We are looking forward to our return to Louisianna and
Texas. Once we get set up there, we can get a little order
in our routines. Some of the pictures from Florida will be
featured on our posts in April.
Don't forget "April Fool's Day" is tomorrow! Laugh, love
and be happy. Turn all your frowns upside down and
"Keep Smiling"!